2022-08-042023-09-19Self-regulation, Stress Make or break: the importance of breaks in healthcare By Julia Allan, Aberdeen University, Scotland Modern life is hectic. We live in an increasingly ‘switched on’ digital world where periods of […]
2020-08-252024-05-16Habit, Motivation, Self-monitoring, Self-regulation Kako dugoročno održati ponašanja koja promiču zdravlje? Napisala Dominika Kwasnicka, Sveučilište SWPS, Poljska i Sveučilište Curtin, Australija Krajnji cilj programa za promicanje zdravlja je potaknuti dugoročne promjene, u čemu […]
2019-01-142025-02-04Goal setting, Motivation, Self-regulation Motivation and the first steps toward physical activity By Keegan Knittle, University of Helsinki, Finland Here’s a familiar story from primary care: an individual who would clearly benefit from more […]
2018-07-302025-02-04Self-regulation Self-regulation from theory to practice: supporting your patients’ goals for change By Stan Maes & Véronique De Gucht, Leiden University, Netherlands Over the last decades, the role of individuals within the healthcare system […]