2023-12-112024-05-15Dyadic interventions, Goal setting, Physical activity, Social Support “Fancy a wee walk?” – Dyadic behaviour change support for walking after stroke By Stephan Dombrowski, University of New Brunswick, Canada Walking away from death Walking is one of the most basic forms of human […]
2021-03-232024-05-15Communication, Goal setting 실무자들에게 건강한 대화 기술 가르치기 By Wendy Lawrence, University of Southampton 오늘날 사회에서 사망 및 질병의 주요 원인들은 우리가 선택하는 생활 방식에 영향을 받습니다. 또한, 건강행동을 개선하려는 […]
2020-11-102024-05-15Assessment, Brief behavioural intervention, Goal setting, Habit, Planning Improving the delivery of brief alcohol advice in primary care: views from both sides of the consultation table By Amy O’Donnell, Newcastle University, UK Levels of drinking have fallen recently in some parts of Europe, particularly amongst young people. However, […]
2019-10-072024-05-16Goal setting, Motivational interviewing, Self-monitoring 노년기의 신체 활동: 어느 정도가 충분한가요? Anne Tiedemann, 시드니대학교 (University of Sydney), 호 “활동 부족은 모든 인간의 좋은 상태를 파괴하는 반면, 운동과 체계적인 신체 훈련은 그것을 모으고 지킨다” […]
2019-01-142025-02-04Goal setting, Motivation, Self-regulation Motivation and the first steps toward physical activity By Keegan Knittle, University of Helsinki, Finland Here’s a familiar story from primary care: an individual who would clearly benefit from more […]
2018-08-302025-02-04Goal setting, Planning How to set goals that work? By Tracy Epton, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Goal setting is a popular technique There are many different techniques that can be […]