Sollevare la questione del peso durante un consulto medico

Il peso è una questione difficile di cui parlare durante un consulto medico. Alcuni pazienti potrebbero essere stufi di sentire frasi come “Dovresti perdere un po’ di peso” ogni volta che fanno una visita medica: indipendentemente dal fatto che siano arrivati per un mal di gola, un pap test o un potenziale problema di cuore. Per tutta la vita hanno subito esperienze di stigmatizzazione da parte dei professionisti sanitari e pensano che tutti quelli che li vedono, vedano solo il loro peso. Mentre questo è quello che accade ad alcuni, altri non hanno mai considerato il loro peso come un problema e potrebbero sentirsi offesi o sorpresi se la questione viene sollevata. Alcune persone potrebbero semplicemente non voler sentire il messaggio e bloccare cosa gli dite, pensando per esempio “tu cosa ne sai – tu sei magro/grasso/ troppo giovane/ troppo vecchio” o “la scienza sbaglia sempre”. Sollevare la questione del peso richiede comunque una gestione attenta del “quando”, “come” e “dove” e di come dirlo alle persone sovrappeso.


Auto-efficacia percepita: la credenza “ce la posso fare” che permette alle persone di cambiare i propri stili di vita

By Ralf Schwarzer, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Cambiare comportamento spesso è desiderabile ma difficile da mettere in pratica. Per esempio: smettere di fumare, mangiare in modo salutare e mantenere un certo regime di attività fisica richiede motivazione, impegno e tenacia. Nonostante siano molti i fattori psicologici che giocano un ruolo nel cambiamento del comportamento, l’auto-efficacia percepita è uno dei principali.


Telling stories about caring for others

By Irina Todorova, Health Psychology Research Center in Sofia, Bulgaria

Taking care of aging loved ones, who are perhaps in frail health, can be a complicated and confusing experience that is both gratifying and frustrating. Medical science is helping people live longer, healthier lives, and in some cases can slow down the cognitive decline that frequently come with age. The way that families care for older members, as well as the meaning of aging, dementia and caregiving varies across cultural contexts. Most people are aging at home as members of their communities, which has psychosocial benefits for the older person as well as for the different generations of family members. At the same time, caring for people with declining health is accompanied with physical effort, psychological strain, grief related to ongoing loss and possibly financial difficulties for the caregiver. (more…)

Motivation and the first steps toward physical activity

By Keegan Knittle, University of Helsinki, Finland

Here’s a familiar story from primary care: an individual who would clearly benefit from more physical activity comes into the clinic. We discuss their physical (in)activity, and in the end, the person says they just aren’t motivated to change. What’s a clinician supposed to do? How can we motivate this person to at least consider changing their behavior for the better? Or better yet, how can we help them to form good intentions for being active?


Positive psychology interventions at work

By Alexandra Michel, Federal Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, Germany and Annekatrin Hoppe, Humboldt Universität, Germany

Employees spend a major part of their waking time at work. It is no surprise then that reducing demands and increasing resources (e.g., autonomy, social support, self-efficacy) at work are important in promoting employees’ work-life balance, well-being and health. Over the last years, research has examined not only ways to repair the negative consequences of work stress, but also ways to promote resources to improve employees’ well-being at work. Especially, introducing positive psychology interventions to the workplace is a new avenue in the occupational health psychology field. Positive psychology interventions focus on building resources and preventing resource loss, and include activities that aim to cultivate positive feelings, behaviors and cognitions. In this blog post, we highlight three approaches that can help employees to build their resources and foster well-being at work.


What happens with medications when they go home?

By Kerry Chamberlain, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

What do people do with medications once they enter the home? Surprisingly, limited research has attempted to answer that question. Yet, it is important – most medications are consumed at home under the control of the consumer. Prescription medicines are regulated, but once prescribed and collected, they are presumed to be taken as directed. People also can access and use a wide range of over-the-counter medications (e.g., for pain relief), alternative medications (e.g., homeopathic preparations), and other health-related preparations that are less obviously medications (e.g., dietary supplements, probiotic drinks). However, we should note that access to all forms of medication can vary considerably between countries.


How to set goals that work?

By Tracy Epton, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Goal setting is a popular technique

There are many different techniques that can be used to change behaviour (93 according to a recent list!). Goal setting is a well-known technique that most people have used at some point. Goal setting is used by charities (e.g., Alcohol Concern, a UK charity, asked people to set a goal to quit drinking for the month of January), as part of commercial weight loss programmes and even in fitness apps. One recent review looked at a 384 tests of the effectiveness of goal setting across a range of different fields to see if goal setting really works, which types of goals work best and if goal setting works for everyone.


Self-regulation from theory to practice: supporting your patients’ goals for change

By Stan Maes & Véronique De Gucht, Leiden University, Netherlands

Over the last decades, the role of individuals within the healthcare system has evolved from ‘compliance with medical regimens’, implying obedience; to ‘self-management’, denoting responsibility for the control of one’s own health or disease. This has recently progressed further to the idea of ‘self-regulation’, a systematic process that involves setting personal health-related goals and steering behavior to achieve these goals. To illustrate the continuous self-regulation process, we have chosen the ancient image of an ‘ouroboros’ (i.e., a snake eating its own tail) to accompany this blog post.


Move more, sit less at work: let’s not sit to talk about it

By Stuart Biddle, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

I’m writing this blog on Valentine’s Day! The health promotion charity in Australia, Bluearth, has produced some amusing videos encouraging you to use your chair less by ‘breaking up with your chair’ (liking splitting from your partner, see videos here). So what is the issue here? Essentially, with changes in the way many of us work, we sit too much and this has been shown to be bad for our health. For example, many people will drive to work, sit at a desk most of the day, drive home, and sit in front of the TV or computer for much of the evening. The workplace, therefore, is ripe for health behaviour change. But with such a habitual behaviour like sitting, strong social norms, as well as environmental designs that encourage less movement alongside comfortable and rewarding sitting, how can we change anything?
