2017-03-122025-02-04E-health, Interventions E-health: hypes and hopes Rik Crutzen, Maastricht University, The Netherlands Nowadays, people use the Internet all the time and for a wide range of activities: from […]
2016-12-192025-02-04Financial Incentives, Incentives Does money really change everything? Using financial incentives and disincentives to change health behaviours Dr Jean Adams, Centre for Diet & Activity Research, University of Cambridge Since October last year, by law, large retailers in England have […]
2016-01-102025-02-04Automaticity, Habit Lépjünk be a szokásokba: a szokás-alakulás tudományának alkalmazása a valóságban By Benjamin Gardner, King’s College London Mi az a „szokás”? Miért eszünk pattogatott kukoricát, mialatt mozizunk? Legtöbb esetben az a válasz, hogy […]